Meeting with the author of "Lost Villages of the Piska Forest" Krzysztof Worobc
On 11.06.2021 in our Conference Room a meeting was held with the author of the publication "Lost Villages of the Piska Forest" Krzysztof Worobc. The organizers of the event were the Museum of the Piska Land and the Association for the Protection of the Cultural Landscape of Masuria "Sadyba". The book consisting of two volumes published in cooperation with the Austeria Publishing House from Krakow contains a lot of information collected over the years by the author about the villages, which as a result of historical turmoil were erased from the maps of Masuria and the life stories of these inhabitants of the Piska Forest. The publication is in fact a kind of compendium of knowledge about Southern Masuria and is part of the contemporary debate on the common Polish-German past.
During the speech, the author passionately talked about the fate of "lost villages", accusing listeners of interesting anecdotes about the work on the book. The large attendance at the meeting indicates that the author's latest book is of great interest among readers not only in our region. For those who did not manage to purchase the title along with the author's dedication during the meeting, we would like to inform you that the work is also available on the website of the publishing house